Thinking green a hit with residents

Sparkles Murphy of Aham Vritti Herbal, presenting the Edible Weeds workshop.

Residents of the City of Swan in eastern Perth have embraced free workshops on how to live more sustainably.

The City’s Thinking Green workshops covered topics including worm farming, edible weeds and suburban bee keeping.

City of Swan Mayor Mick Wainwright said the free workshops were a good way for Council to offer something back to residents, with a number of benefits.

“Not only are we encouraging sustainable living, we’re arming residents with useful ways to save money while helping the environment.

“Worm farming for example is an easy way to recycle food and organic waste into natural fertiliser products, and is something the whole family can get involved in.

“These workshops have proven extremely popular, so much so, that the City now offers residents and ratepayers a $100 subsidy on a worm farm, complete with worms and worm castings.

“This year alone, we’ve had 164 attendees at six Worm Farming workshops and seen 59 subsidised worm farms sold.

“Edible weeds are also a favourite,” said the mayor, “I mean who has ever thought about the nutritional benefit of what grows wild in your garden? It’s ingenious!”

The workshops are presented by knowledgeable speakers, ensuring residents get access to accurate and up-to-date information.  

The Thinking Green program also includes free Eco Home Audits for City of Swan residents, with 84 audits completed so far this year.

“An experienced auditor visits your household to identify actions you can take to use water and energy more efficiently and reduce household waste,” said Mayor Wainwright.  

“So not only are residents saving money on utility bills, they’re also making their households more comfortable while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“It’s fantastic to see so many City of Swan residents participating in the Thinking Green program and making a concerted effort to embrace sustainable living.

“It’s something the City is really proud to be able to offer our community.”