Gearing up for National Local Government Twitter Day

Hashtags at the ready, it’s Local Government Twitter Day next week and councils across Australia are being encouraged to take part.

Coordinated by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and state local government associations, the day aims to highlight to the community the wide-ranging services undertaken by councils.

The initiative will take place next Wednesday 3 August and the hashtag to be attached to tweets is #yourratesatwork.

The first national Local Government Twitter Day took place in 2014 and clocked about 2100 tweets and 950 re-tweets, with more than 500 separate Twitter users participating nationwide.

ALGA has stressed that participating does not have to make additional resource demands on councils, but can just mean the addition of the common hashtag to tweets on the day.

All tweets using the hashtag will be aggregated at:

For more information, contact the Communications/Media department of your State/Territory Local Government Associations.