Greening the city centre

Australian Hotel building owner John Glanville and the green wall installed as part of the City Centre revitalisation project.

Mackay Regional Council is rolling out an urban greening program as part of its city centre revitalisation project.

A new “green wall” was installed recently at the Australian Hotel building, which is part of the city’s Heritage Walk.

The wall – part of the final stages of the Council’s City Centre revitalisation project – is five metres wide and two-and-a-half metres high; it is the first of its kind in a public space in the Mackay region.

It was made possible by collaboration between hotel owners John and Gail Glanville and Council over the past 12 months on a range of initiatives.

The wall is part of an urban greening program and is being used as a trial, with two other identified locations in the City Centre likely to be implemented by the end of this year.

Local historian Berenice Wright said the hotel site had a long and interesting past and she is delighted to see the work the owners have put into the building.

“The attention to detail is of the highest order, indicating they clearly care about celebrating the city’s rich past.”

Mayor Greg Williamson, who attended the launch of the green wall, said such an outcome was great and showed what could be achieved by council and City Centre businesses working together.