Keeping the community active

Residents participating in the Active Community Cup.

The City of Onkaparinga in South Australia has partnered with Life Be In It to host an Active Community Cup for the third year running.

The City of Onkaparinga is located 40 minutes south of Adelaide and is the largest South Australian council by population. The area is home to approximately 160,000 residents, which is equal to around 10 percent of the state’s population.

The City of Onkaparinga’s Community Plan seeks to achieve its goal of ‘strong vibrant communities’ by providing opportunities for residents to live healthy active lifestyles.

The Healthy Active Lifestyles Onkaparinga (HALO) program aims to provide the community with information and opportunities to be active – the flagship event that helps achieve this is the Active Community Cup, which is now in its third year.

This successful event is a fun walking/running event held over eight weeks for the whole community, with the aim of improving personal fitness, health, wellbeing and camaraderie.

It is based on Life Be In It’s Corporate Cup, which has been held for many years in Adelaide along the River Torrens.

The City of Onkaparinga has partnered with Life Be In It to bring together the whole of community, not just corporates, to the south of the city for the Active Community Cup.

Commencing on 12 October to 30 November, the event is held along the beautiful Foreshore Coast Park Trail at Christies Beach, participants can enter either individually or in teams of up to five.
Recreation Services Officer Gail Burns said the event is growing in popularity.

“Our numbers have been steadily growing and this year the Active Community Cup will be held during day light savings hours so people can participate anytime from 6am to 7pm.

“Two more distances have also been introduced offering 2km, 4km, 6km or 8km options, so this will encourage more participants.”

The event is open to the whole community, and to people of all fitness levels and abilities.

“Organised events like this can provide the motivation some people need to become physically active and are a great way to exercise with your family, friends or work colleagues.

“By the end of the eight weeks everyone is feeling fitter and stronger than when they started.

“Success in the City of Onkaparinga Active Community Cup isn’t about having the fastest running time. The true prize to the community is an increase in their fitness, health and wellbeing.”