Whitehorse City Council in Victoria is communicating recycling messages in multiple languages.
Five short videos are now making it easier for Whitehorse residents across different cultural backgrounds to learn about Council’s kerbside waste collection services.
Whitehorse Mayor Philip Daw said the short videos covered rubbish, recycling, garden waste and the ‘ring and book’ hard waste services in English and four community languages.
“The videos have been produced in Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi and Vietnamese and give a useful explanation of the Council’s waste
removal procedures.
“The videos also cover the ways residents can help make the services even more efficient by following tips for correct placement of waste in appropriate bins,” said the Mayor.
The videos were produced as part of the Communicating with Communities waste education project, which was delivered in partnership with Maroondah City Council and the Migrant Information Centre.
The education project was partly funded through a grant from the Victorian State Government.