The City of Boroondara on behalf of the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) has won the Government category in this year’s Premier’s Sustainability Awards for their program Biodiversity Monitoring in Melbourne’s East.
During 2015, the EAGA, a network of seven councils in Melbourne’s east, worked with the Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology, Melbourne University and other researchers, not-for-profits and Victorian Government agencies to develop and trial a framework for monitoring biodiversity.
The framework aims to help EAGA councils reflect on and adapt their on-ground management activities in the context of a changing climate.
Key outcomes from the project included development of the framework, incorporating an implementation guide, baseline establishment, determine plots for vegetation, develop ClimateWatch trails, and introduce a community bird monitoring project.
Biodiversity Monitoring in Melbourne’s East was recognised in the 2016 United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Awards, winning the Local Government Category.
Winters Flat Primary School in Castlemaine won the top honour of the night – the Premier’s Recognition Award – for its program developing sustainability programs that engage not only their school, but their local council, businesses, Indigenous groups and their whole community.
“Each year we continue to discover the passion Victorians have for protecting their environment and thinking creatively about new sustainable practices,” said CEO Sustainability Victoria, Stan Krpan.
“Our state has an excellent track record of delivering innovative projects that benefit our environment and the community through efficient waste management, resource recovery, and new technologies for clean energy.
“Congratulations to all of this year’s winners. Your contributions will have positive long-term effects on our society and our way of life.”