Providing opportunities in the downturn

A footpath improvement program funded by the West Coast Council will provide a much-needed boost to employment to the Tasmanian region.

West Coast Council recently commenced the recruitment process for people to work across the region to improve footpath infrastructure.

With a budget of $500,000 the project is set to commence in mid-November and those workers, contractors and suppliers affected by recent mine closures and scale-backs across the West Coast are encouraged to apply to join the program. Successful applicants are to be employed on a casual basis by West Coast Council.

“As leaders in the community and one of the largest employers in the municipality, Council is excited to offer multiple positions to displaced miners and other residents affected by the economic downturn in our community,” said West Coast Mayor Phil Vickers.

Work will consist of set-out and installation of kerb and channel guttering, access points, concrete footpaths and other duties as directed, within a variety of townships on the West Coast.

“We have a motivated and skilled team that routinely delivers this type of work however they will require support for this extended work program under this Council initiative,” Council General Manager Dirk Dowling said.

Whilst improving assets and infrastructure is a key role for local government, West Coast Council also recognises it is equally important to support the West Coast community with the creation of these positions to implement the enhanced 2016/17 Capital Works program.

“The importance of Council’s capital works program, particularly this initiative, in driving economic development and confidence in the region should not be underestimated,” said the Mayor Vickers.