Communities speak out against water buy backs

The Balonne Shire Council in South West Queensland has spoken out against the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA)’s recommendation to continue water buy backs in the Balonne region.

Mayor Richard Marsh said the Shire is “shocked and extremely disappointed” by the decision and feared “communities will be further devastated” if the recommendation is implemented.

In its recently released review of the Northern Basin Plan, the MDBA recommended the water recovery target in the Northern Basin be reduced from 390 gigalitres to 320 gigalitres.

In addition to buy backs, complementary toolkit measures have also been flagged as a mechanism by which these outcomes might be achieved. Currently, 278 gigalitres have been recovered from the Northern Basin under the plan which leaves a further 42 gigalitres to be found.

The already struggling Balonne region will still need to contribute another 35 gigalitres to water recovery.

The Northern Basin Plan Review acknowledges that further buy backs have the potential to cripple communities, and specifically identifies the town of Dirranbandi.

The report states: “The cost of water recovery in some communities such as Dirranbandi and Warren will continue to have an impact… And recommends that governments consider providing support to these communities.”

In Dirranbandi, school numbers have halved over the past five years, down from 120 students to 63. Businesses have closed and the ongoing uncertainty has affected confidence in all sectors.

Cr Marsh said the water buyback process is unsustainable for the region.

“More effort needs to be directed to recovering the necessary water using alternative measures. The viability and sustainability of our communities must be our priority – we cannot withstand any further buy backs.

“We call on all tiers of government to stand united and work together for their communities.

“A collaborative and consolidated approach is needed to satisfy the goals set for the basin, which surely must include keeping our communities strong. Without communities, we as a nation are nothing.

“Want your voice heard? Right now, the government is calling for feedback on these proposed changes. Keep our communities alive and have your say. We have to fight strongly against further buy backs and we must do it together.”