Future vision

Wellington Shire Council in eastern Victoria is in the final stages of developing a renewed strategic community vision, Wellington 2030.

An innovative engagement project encouraged feedback from almost ten per cent of the Shire’s 42,000 residents.

Council staff aimed to transport community members 14 years into the future to imagine what Wellington could be in the year 2030.

To spark imaginative conversations, interactive rocket ship displays were sent out across the length and breadth of the Shire’s 11,000km2 between June and September.  

The Wellington 2030 community vision was first developed in 2008.
Council recognised that in the eight years since its development a wide range of factors had changed, meaning that elements of the vision had lost their relevance whilst other issues not included within the original vision were now important for the future of the region.

All the usual engagement techniques adopted by Council, including newspaper advertising and online and written surveys, have historically provided responses from mainly women in the 45 to 65 age bracket.  

While these responses are valued, Council wanted to hear from a broader range of community members.  

Wellington wanted something different that would attract the wider community to engage in a conversation.

The rockets, combined with a range of social media videos and a special edition publication attracted responses from people of all ages and backgrounds.

Over 4000 individual statements are currently being worked into the themes that will form the renewed Wellington 2030 community vision, which will be used to develop the next Council Plan.

During Council’s Community Engagement Strategy feedback process this year, the high visibility and innovative approach of the Wellington 2030 consultation was commended by many, who gave it the gold star for Council engagement.