Asking community R U OK?

Glenorchy City Council in Tasmania is working with the community to understand the importance of mental health.

Council was involved in two events this year to raise awareness of mental health: one leg of the R U OK? conversation national convoy in August, and a community gathering for R U OK Day in September.
The Glenorchy Suicide Prevention Network said Tasmania had some of the highest suicide rates in the country and it was vital to work with all segments of the community to ensure everyone was seen and valued.

As the R U OK? conversation convoy rolled into the city, the community spirit and connectedness was clear. Locals came together for an informal barbeque, participating in activities and listening to motivational speakers.

Council also organised a community event to mark national R U OK? Day, serving as a reminder that everyone has what it takes to ask, ‘Are you okay?’

This year’s event focused on giving young people the confidence to support their peers and explaining what they can do when their friends aren’t feeling the best.

More than 250 people attended the day and over 100 show bags with important information about depression, anxiety and suicide were handed out.   

Glenorchy Youth Task Force member Tyler Bakes said the Task Force looked forward to hosting the event every year.

“We are the voice for young people in Glenorchy and our peers tell us time after time that mental health is a priority for them,” Tyler said.

“Studies show that young people are more inclined to reach out to friends when they are struggling and it is for this very reason we need to make sure our younger population is prepared and skilled in supporting one other.”

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