Communities combine to clean up graffiti

Girl Guide’s participating in Graffiti Removal Day

More than 70 New South Wales (NSW) councils will lend their support to the state wide annual Graffiti Removal Day on 29 October.

This year’s theme, Love Where We Live, asks communities to nominate sites in their local area and volunteer to remove the graffiti.

Graffiti vandalism costs local councils, businesses, households, and government millions of dollars every year, money that could be better invested in the provision of roads, sporting facilities, schools and hospitals.

Last year more than 1500 volunteers removed 20,000m2 of graffiti from 460 sites across the state.

Grants of up to $750 to implement graffiti prevention initiatives are available as part of this year’s Graffiti Removal Day.
These ideas can include the creation of murals, the purchase of graffiti prevention liquid, preventative tree planting and educational campaigns.

Graffiti Removal Day Chairman Bob Aitken said, “Graffiti Removal Day draws attention to the fight against graffiti vandalism and encourages people to get involved in the removal and prevention of graffiti.

“Graffiti Removal Day is a day where locals can come together in the fight against graffiti and make a difference to the appearance of the place they call home. It’s time for us all to ‘Love Where We Live’.”
Volunteers on the day will be supplied with free cleaning material, paint, safety equipment and training on how to safely remove graffiti.
Registration forms for volunteers or suggest a clean-up sites are available at:   

More information on community grants is available by emailing
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