Helping sports club secure funding

In June, Wattle Range Council in South Australia hosted a well-attended sporting and recreation forum to encourage local clubs to pursue funding for infrastructure projects.

“It was promising to see such a large and diverse group of clubs attend the forum,” said Council’s Chief Executive Officer Ben Gower.

“The aim of the forum was to help clubs recognise the importance of obtaining Star Club accreditation and developing strategic plans for their long-term infrastructure projects.

“Recreation and sporting clubs continually look to all three levels of government as well as the private sector for financial assistance with their projects.

“Their ability to secure funding is significantly enhanced if they work within the Star Club framework and take a long-term strategic view with their planning.

“It is in everyone’s interests for our clubs to be better prepared when they are seeking potential funding from government and/or corporate bodies.”

The forum provided representatives with valuable tips and advice from the Limestone Coast Local Government Associations Star Club Field Officer; the Chairman of successful local sporting organisation McLaughlin Park Sports Incorporated; and Council’s Executive Leadership Team on issues such as accreditation and membership; ways to better prepare strategic plans and project budgets; and grant writing basics as well as how to attract sponsorship.

“Council was very pleased with the turnout and the level of engagement at the forum and beyond, which has also allowed different clubs to network and share ideas,” Mr Gower said.

“While they may compete on the field, it was great to see the clubs working together to ensure the region’s sport and recreational facilities continue to grow in the future.”

The forum has opened the channels of communication between Council and various groups on a number of different issues and it is envisaged that similar events will be scheduled on a regular basis.