Nature reserve a gem

Wandoo Heights, a natural bushland conservation reserve, located in the City of Swan in Western Australia, is not only a unique bushwalking spot for visitors and tourists, but it’s also an environmentally significant conservation site with an interesting history.

The reserve in Millendon remains largely untouched and relatively unknown, but it has an interesting history and an impressive abundance of native flora and fauna.

The 22 hectares, located on the western face of the Darling Scarp, were originally part of a larger parcel of 4000 hectares, which was granted to George Fletcher Moore, Advocate General for the Swan Colony in 1830.

In 1960, the property was purchased by three people passionate about nature – Olive Gear, Adela Hyde and Reverend Harry Hyde, who worked hard to maintain its pristine condition and extensive range of wildflowers and other flora.

The land was gifted to the City of Swan free of cost in 1988, under the promise that it be conserved by the local government for future generations.

Wandoo Heights contains two beautiful walking trails that wind through pristine bushland, providing an opportunity to gaze over Perth from the Darling Scarp and take in the beautiful and unique flora and fauna.

Avid nature lovers can also conduct nature study, bird watching, photography or just enjoy the natural bushland experience.

The reserve is part of the Forrestfield and Darling Scarp vegetation complexes, the Darling Range Regional Parks System and directly adjoins Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions A-Class Nature Reserve.

Containing eight different vegetation types ranging from heathland to wandoo and sheoak, Wandoo Heights is an important natural asset in sustaining local biodiversity.

The City’s priority is maintaining the reserve and keeping it as close to its virgin state as possible.

Up to 333 species of fauna can potentially be found at Wandoo Heights, including the endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo which was recorded in a fauna study of the reserve in August. Independent studies, conducted in 2002 and 2016, recorded over 300 flora species at the reserve.

Unfortunately, dozens of weed species and Phytophthora Dieback have also been identified at Wandoo Heights.

To prevent the spread of weed species and Dieback, the City maintains heavy restrictions on entry to ensure the high quality of flora and fauna is conserved. You’ll need to get the keys to the reserve and maintain adequate boot hygiene before you take to the walking track.