Visitor economy in your own backyard

Own Little World, one of the many boutique local businesses in Boroondara.

City of Boroondara in southeast Melbourne is looking to facilitate business development and growth and ramp up the visitor economy in the area.

In late 2016 the City adopted its five-year Economic Development and Tourism Strategy (2016-21), which will help Council provide resources and opportunities for businesses, as well as look at ways to contribute to the wellbeing of Boroondara’s workers, visitors and residents.

The Economic Development team works to support around 24,000 businesses in Boroondara, with services including an annual training calendar, eight special rate and charge schemes, buy-local schemes and tourism programs.

The annual Christmas program also encourages local trade and a thriving local economy.

In developing the strategy, Council sought feedback from locals on the aspects of the City they would be proud to show visitors.
The top three responses were parks and gardens, our retail shopping precincts and restaurants and cafes.

Boroondara’s markets were also highlighted as a great attraction and include the Camberwell Fresh Food Market, the Boroondara Farmers Market, the iconic Camberwell Sunday Market and the Hawthorn Craft Market.

Boroondara has all the right ingredients for a burgeoning visitor economy: close proximity to the Melbourne CBD, excellent public transport links, 53 shopping precincts, heritage gardens and plenty of open space to enjoy.   

Examples of visitor attractions that residents highlighted were Hays Paddock, a well-known all-abilities playground which sits on the banks of a billabong; Studley Park, home to Studley Park Boathouse, and the many local shopping centres that boast heritage shopfronts, great restaurants, cafes and a vast array of boutique businesses.

The community is often reminded, through various communications channels, that we all play a part in keeping our local economies thriving, and you don’t need to go far to enjoy a fabulous experience.