Youth Hub takes out state award

A collaborative project aimed at supporting Bundaberg region youth as they successfully transition from school to further education, training and employment has received state honours.

The Bundaberg Region Youth Hub initiative, involving five Bundaberg region state high schools, Rosedale State School, Bundaberg Regional Council, and 52 government and non-government agencies, won the RemServ Showcase Award for Excellence in Community Engagement at the Queensland Government 2017 Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools.

Bundaberg Regional Council Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Judy Peters said Council had been involved in the hub since its inception in 2014.

“The hub is a collaborative community and industry approach that supports students as they prepare for life after school,” Cr Peters said.

“It focuses on the wellbeing of students, workforce development and future pathway planning to ensure our young people can reach their career goals.

“Council was involved in the initial facilitation and development of the hub and remains an active member of the group.”

Council currently provides office space to the vocational project officer and pathways officers after Bundaberg, Bundaberg North, Kepnock, Gin Gin and Isis District State High Schools and Rosedale State School were successful in receiving funding under Education Queensland’s Collaboration and Innovation Funding.

“This is a fantastic result for our region and shows the positive results we can achieve by working together as a community.”