Science savvy students set to ruffle some feathers

Logan City Council Libraries are joining forces with Griffith University for a series of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) workshops.

City Lifestyle and Customer Services Committee Chairperson, Councillor Steve Swenson said the workshops, which were also supported by the Queensland Government through the State Library of Queensland, kicked off in February.

“Griffith University’s STEM Squad would be hosting the “From little things, big things grow” sessions at Beenleigh, Logan North and Logan Village libraries.

The series of special workshops is for primary school students curious about birds and plants.

“The sessions will cover what plants need to grow and the importance of growing more native plants in backyards.
“Participants will also sow their own seedling to take home.”

Cr Swenson said the “Ruffle some feathers” sessions would look how a human’s wingspan compares to a sea eagle, what sorts of native birds live locally and their awesome adaptions.

“Participants will also be able to create their own bird species to take home.