Join the Evolution Revolution at Ozwater’18 in Brisbane*

The Ozwater’18 Conference and Exhibition is Australia’s international water conference and the largest in the Southern Hemisphere.

Run by the Australian Water Association, the annual event is attended by over 4,000 professionals from water utilities to local councils, universities to consultants.

This year the conference is being held in Brisbane from 8-10 May.
There are nine streams in the technical program and over 150 presentations on topics relevant to local governments and councils.

The Trends and Opportunities in Governance, Policy, Regulation & Structure stream will see presentations from organisations such as CSIRO on scenario planning for an uncertain future, EY on how the water sector is creating sustainable communities, and the Victorian Government Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on getting investment right.

In the Community Health and Wellbeing stream you’ll hear about improved drinking water management, emerging contaminants and micropollutants, and operational compliance.

In the Supporting Rural and Remote Areas stream you’ll learn about smart asset investment, securing safe drinking water in regional communities using technology, and public amenity risks.

The Working with Customers stream will include presentations from Queensland Urban Utilities on improving the customer experience, Yarra Valley Water on their citizens’ jury, and KPMG on what the Australian water sector can learn from the global experience.

In the new Industry Safety & Wellbeing stream you’ll hear about how to commence and sustain a mentally healthy workplace, virtual reality training solutions for the water sector, and increasing staff engagement with projects.

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*Copy supplied by Australian Water Association