Centralised documents and records*

The Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) has established a secure, centralised corporate repository to manage its business documents and records using the MAGIQ Documents software application.

WALGA is the peak industry body for the Western Australian Local Government sector and advocates on behalf of 138 councils throughout the State.

MAGIQ Documents is a web-based and Cloud deliverable suite of electronic document and records management software. The overall simplicity and intuitive design of the software means it is very easy for staff to use and learn, leading to excellent take-up and adoption.
WALGA selected the MAGIQ Documents system to meet its functional and records compliance requirements in 2006.  

WALGA is named in the Local Government Act, and as such must meet the records compliance requirements of the State Records Office of Western Australia.

Over the past 12 years the organisation has focused on establishing a centralised corporate repository to manage its records and documents.

MAGIQ Documents is now used by more than 100 staff in multiple locations, across six business units.

MAGIQ Documents provided WALGA with the flexibility to create discrete workspaces for each business unit to enable easy collaboration; while still ensuring that ultimately all documents are stored in a single, centralised document repository.

WALGA Records and Knowledge Officer, Graham Wilson, said, “We’ve invested time upfront in making sure the system set-up is aligned with the business rules of each of our business units and we’re seeing positive collaboration and sharing of information amongst our various teams.

“With version control managed at the user level, everyone has confidence they are accessing the correct version of a document and this has also helped with take-up by the various teams.

“MAGIQ Documents has an intuitive, contemporary user interface, which is familiar to staff and certainly helps with take-up.  Apart from that, it’s really quick and easy to use – it just works.”

WALGA’s Network and Systems Administrator, Erdi Arianto, believes the simplicity of MAGIQ Documents has also been very positive from an Information Technology (IT) and Systems Administration perspective.

“With limited IT resources, system stability is always highly desirable and MAGIQ Documents pretty much looks after itself – which is really great for a small team like ours.

“We aim to be very responsive and resolve any issues our staff raise as quickly as possible. Although we experience very few user issues with MAGIQ Documents, it’s good to know we can rely on the team at MAGIQ Software to help us as and when we need them.”

*Copy supplied by Magiq Software