Tweed Shire Youth Council, an initiative of the Tweed Shire Council’s Youth Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2017, has resumed for the year with members outlining their concerns and goals for the year ahead.
The Youth Council, now in its third year, is made up of representatives from public and private high schools in Tweed Shire, New South Wales, who meet monthly to express views on youth oriented matters, while also providing opportunities for the development of communication, confidence and leadership skills.
Council General Manager, Troy Green, was on hand to welcome the group and asked each member directly what youth-oriented services they would like to see established or improved in the local area.
Council Youth Development Officer, Sylvia Roylance, said the group’s answers, which ranged from transport to mental health and homeless services, showed them to be engaged members of the community.
“On first impression they are all very insightful as to what is going on around them and definitely full of energy and confidence.
“The Youth Council is a great way to expose young people to a formal meeting environment and gives a lot of insight into how local government works, potentially opening up career pathways they may not have been aware of.”