City of Darwin has shown it is taking a thorough approach to replanting and tree management in the aftermath of Cyclone Marcus.
An expert panel will be formed to guide the selection of suitable tree species and planting requirements post Cyclone Marcus.
Council will fund a $160,000 survey of trees planted in close proximity to property and power lines. The survey will include the remaining trees on Council land that have the potential to impact private property in the future.
The larger trunks of fallen trees will be made available to the community for reuse and re purposing.
Acting Lord Mayor, Gary Haslett, said, “There have been a range of interesting suggestions from the community about reusing some of the uprooted trees and Council will store some trees for future use.”
Immediately after the cyclone Council called for a report on a range of issues around trees in the City.
“While early indications are that the African Mahoganies, River Red Gums and Yellow Flame Trees make up the predominant species of trees impacted by the cyclone, we acknowledge that this is not the whole story.
“It is important we collaborate with experts to make sure that the most suitable species of trees are selected for a city with high rainfall and cyclonic conditions.”
The panel of experts will include peak body organisations with a selection process for interested community members.