Proposed levy on Queensland household waste

On Friday the Queensland Government released a directions paper for public comment, which included plans for a general waste levy to commence in 2019.

The paper titled ‘Transforming Queensland’s Recycling and Waste Industry’ outlined the future roadmap for management of waste and recycling in Queensland.

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has warned that the Government is not being up front about its intentions.

CEO, Greg Hallam AM, said while LGAQ supports a levy on commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste, it rejects any plan to apply a levy on domestic or household waste.

“In its own document, the Government has indicated it can review the proposed 105 percent rebate to councils for household waste anytime in the future, which gives no certainty to ratepayers who will bear the financial burden.”

 LGAQ has also expressed concern that the levy could be syphoned into State Treasury, as it has been in other states.

Hallam said the levy should be used to support a circular waste economy, and the much-needed development of Queensland’s recycling industry and zero waste to landfill initiatives.

Recently, the LGAQ’s Policy Executive, representing all of Queensland’s 77 councils, committed to a zero waste to landfill strategy by the year 2028.

“We want to ensure Queensland is a global leader in creating a circular economy for waste management that will be good for our children, our children’s children, and generations to come,” Mr Hallam said.