The Victorian Auditor General this week released a report into the use of State landfill levies.
The report found a risk that Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy and the Sustainability Fund are not always used for their intended purposes.
The report also acknowledged that there is no process to ensure activities funded are achieving their aims of better waste management, reduced greenhouse gases, or effective adaptations to climate change.
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) President, Councillor Mary Lalios, said it was deeply concerning that the Sustainability Fund has amassed more than half a billion dollars in unspent landfill levies, while the Government had only reinvested small amounts to address the state’s growing recycling challenges.
“Many worthy initiatives that meet the criteria of the Sustainability Fund are calling out for investment, particularly to support a sustainable waste and resource recovery industry in Victoria following the impacts of China’s ban on importing certain recycled content.
“Of the 10 actions listed within the State’s new Recycling Industry Strategic Plan, the MAV or councils are identified as partners in seven actions. We’d like to see funding and resource support to assist local government to fulfill our substantial partner roles identified within the State plan.
“Other initiatives where local government seeks Sustainability Fund investment include assistance for projects to rehabilitate closed landfill sites, support for regional waste and resource recovery treatment and processing solutions, and a statewide education campaign to help reduce waste going to landfill.”
Cr Lalios said ongoing advocacy by the MAV had called for improved transparency by the State about spending and allocation of the landfill levy, as well as expenditure plans for how the unallocated levies would be used into the future.
The State Government, in response to the Auditor General’s recommendation, has committed to the release of an annual public report outlining the activities and outcomes of the Fund.
“We also support the Minister’s recent approval to change membership of the committee overseeing the Sustainability Fund to make it fully independent. Local government now seeks reinvestment of landfill levies into projects that will make a genuine difference to Victoria’s waste and recycling industry,” Cr Lailos said.