Another rock in the wall

The completed river wall work on the Nedlands foreshore.

City of Nedlands, Western Australia, has announced completion of stage two of the river wall restoration – and savings made will go towards the next stage.

The $1.2 million project was achieved in partnership with the City and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ Riverbank Program, a program that supports the protection and enhancement of the Swan and Canning River foreshores.

It involved building a new rock revetment wall, landscape softening, reticulation and lighting adjustments over 300m, as well as adding an accessible walkway to the beach to complement the newly opened Jo Wheatly All Abilities Play Space.

Mayor, Max Hipkins, said the rock revetment wall would provide a cost-effective, low maintenance and sustainable environment to protect and enhance the river foreshore for future generations.

“The rock revetment option was chosen after it had been used successfully in various high wave impact locations along the Swan River, particularly in South Perth and near the Narrows Bridge.

“Rock revetments are a system of graded, interlocked, quarried armour stone laid on an embankment, designed to absorb erosive forces and protect the adjacent foreshore embankment.”

Mayor Hipkins said savings made in managing and delivering stages one and two of the restoration work had put the City in a good financial position to design and construct stage three at Charles Court Reserve.

“Designs are currently being undertaken with a view to deliver as much as we can with the remaining funds in the summer of 2018-2019.”

“It’s been three years in the making and I’m pleased that, with the assistance of the Riverbank Program, the City has been able to re-establish the river wall.

“The Riverbank Program has been vital in maintaining and restoring our local river systems and this project
is no exception.”