Most accessible community award

Director Corporate and Community Services, Annie Riordan; Governance and Planning Support Officer, Sonia Lingham; Community member with her seeing eye dog, Monika Volpi and Junior; Community Development Officer, Katie Taylor.

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River has received the Most Accessible Community in Western Australia (WA) Award – Regional Town/Shire Category by the Regional Capitals Alliance of WA.

The award acknowledges the Shire’s commitment to improving access and inclusion for all of the community, including people with a disability.

Katie Taylor, said that the imbedded access and inclusion culture at the Shire helped to achieve outcomes for the whole community.

“The Shire aims to be inclusive and accessible for everyone who lives, works, plays, invests and visits here.

“We recognise the importance of working in collaboration with the community to break down social barriers to inclusion and to drive change from within the community itself.”

The Shire was commended for ensuring key services such as the Augusta and Margaret River Recreation Centres and Libraries are welcoming and inclusive for everyone in the community.

“Recent access initiatives at the Recreation Centre include vision impaired pool lane signage and the construction of autism friendly family change rooms.

“Both initiatives were achieved because staff were flexible with their service and open to collaborating with people with disabilities in implementing innovative strategies.”

The Shire was also commended for going over and above statutory access requirements in the redevelopment of the Margaret River Youth Precinct.

“People with disability were involved throughout the entire project, via ongoing consultation with the Shires Community Access and Inclusion Reference Group as well as the involvement and collaboration with Artzability Inc.