Small businesses benefit

The cities of Melville and Canning, Western Australia, collaborated last month to create the free series aimed directly at small businesses.

Unlike traditional workshops, Business Over Coffee was designed to give local businesses direct access to business advisors in an informal setting.

The series ran throughout October with a themed session each week focusing on topic including Marketing, Financial and Risk Management.

Each Business Over Coffee session addressed core business functions and was hosted in turn by one of the local government area libraries.

The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) supported the Business over Coffee series.

Attendees participated in the open discussions and were able to share problems, challenges and frustrations impacting their business with the expert SBDC advisors who provided practical and specific advice and solutions.

City of Canning Mayor, Paul Ng, said that the Business Over Coffee series was a wonderful opportunity to network with other local businesses and to seek advice on matters that are specific to you and your business.

City of Melville Mayor, Russell Aubrey, said ‘working together’ was embedded in the City’s vision, and working with neighbour City of Canning was giving more local businesses the opportunity to come together, share their experiences and access the SBDC’s business experts.

“Supporting small business is key to achieving growth and prosperity in both our local government areas.”