A new defence, aerospace and technology hub has been hailed a sign of the great economic diversification to come on the march to smart city status.
City of Newcastle will partner with Port Stephens Council to construct a road into the future high-tech precinct as part of the $20 million Astra Aerolab project, which will inject around $250 million into the New South Wales economy.
Both local governments – joint owners of Newcastle Airport – will assist with site preparations valued at $7.86 million across four development areas over 7.4 hectares.
Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes, said that the announcement promised a bright new era of jobs-led economic growth for the region.
“This hub will create up to 5,500 local highly skilled jobs in defence tech, smart manufacturing and service delivery, which will support greater Newcastle’s growing population and ensure our sustained prosperity.
“One of the strategic directions of the smart city plan adopted by Council last year was to invest in innovation-based projects and provide a roadmap and infrastructure support to attract industry and investment.
“By doing this we are driving the transition from a great regional centre to a smart, liveable and sustainable global city.
“Factoring heavily in our future is a collaboration of government, the University of Newcastle and industry, especially aviation, defence and aerospace sectors, to upload the regional economy into the digital age,” the Lord Mayor added.
“Critical tech infrastructure that will deliver the connectivity needed for data-based productivity gains – and renewed investment – is being installed right now under this watershed partnership.
“We’ve further embraced innovation and technology recently by adopting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in our updated long-term strategic plan, in particular the goal to strengthen the city’s role as a metropolitan capital for education, health, tourism, creative industries and logistics.”