Town centre renewal

Adding the finishing touches to the Bremer Bay Skate Park.

Western Australia is a state renowned for remote holiday destinations, but Bremer Bay, Sire of Jerramungup, somehow stayed out of the limelight until recently.

The small coastal town’s tourism slogan ‘Break Away to Bremer Bay’ couldn’t be more fitting with the town’s history as a popular holiday destination for regional farmers. A place where four wheel driving up the beach and throwing in a line will guarantee a feisty salmon.

More recently, discovery of Bremer Canyon has attracted media attention, scientists, and charter boats selling wild orca tours.

This year UNESCO Biosphere re-enlisted the Fitzgerald River National Park attracting adventure seeking tourists to the caravan parks and camp grounds.

Potential for economic expansion is omnipresent with recent studies showing the town population exploding to 6300 over peak periods.

Council’s Manager of Development, Craig Pursey, drafted the Bremer Bay Town Centre Structure Plan, which provides a guiding document to facilitate economic growth and civic amenity.

Partnering with the state land development agency, LandCorp, Council built necessary town infrastructure using funding from the State Government Royalties for Regions, Growing Our South Initiative.

After community consultation on the New Town Centre project, Bremer Bay locals raised additional funds to contribute towards building a Skate Park in the civic area.

The park and other new facilities were finalised with extra funding from Lotterywest.

To maximise available funds, a request for recyclable material was put out and the community again delivered inundating Council with donated materials which have been incorporated into two new nature playgrounds and the civic square.

The playgrounds’ detail and woodwork has a rustic appeal that locals love.

Town centre land is already attracting commercial activity with a micro-brewery and tourist accommodation approved for construction.
The town’s Civic Square and Skate Park opened 22 September.