City of Kwinana’s Youth Precinct has received a visit from the Western Australian Commissioner for Children and Young People, Colin Pettit.
The tour started at the Zone Youth Space, with staff providing an update of the services offered in the centre and linkages to supporting community priorities.
The tour included discussions with the Kwinana Youth Advisory Council (KYAC) members, who informed the Commissioner of their great achievements, including the hosting of the YaCtivate event in Kwinana involving many Youth Advisory Councils from around the state.
The Commissioner spoke to the group about what it means to be the Commissioner and his Office’s key focus areas in helping to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
A visit to the Edge Skate Park and Adventure Park provided an opportunity to showcase the City’s key infrastructure, informed by a robust design and engagement process.
Mayor, Carol Adams, said that she was proud to showcase the City’s great youth facilities to Commissioner Pettit.
“The Commissioner was impressed to see the benefits of linking facilities, information, events, workshops and activation activities within our youth precinct.
“He complimented the City on its approach to children and young people, which gives us the sense that we are on the right track with our approach.”