Call out to councils: a day of free fun for disadvantaged kids and their carers*

One Day Fun Day National Event 

Melbourne based start-up is calling for councils across Australia to participate in and help facilitate a national day of free fun for disadvantaged, at risk, sick and challenged kids and their carers. 

The FunSearch event, called One Day Fun Day™  is the first major event by FunSearch, a unique photo and video search engine designed to assist the growth of visitor economy, leisure and recreation businesses and organisations across Australia.

Chief Executive Officer of FunSearch, Chris Gillard, said One Day Fun Day™ was an expression of the intent of his company as an ‘impact business’ with goals that transcend solely commercial objectives. 

“A key reason our company exists is to use the idea of fun as a gateway to create positive change in lots of ways. 

“One Day Fun Day™ is our first major event, leveraging our national reach and our connections to media, not for profit organisations and thousands of businesses in the sector. 

“We’re hoping for many councils to participate in the event or if not, to help spread the word to local businesses who may wish to take part. 

“We’re aiming to provide fun for 10,000 kids and carers.”

The day, proposed for mid-May 2019, while billed as a national event, will in practice be more akin to thousands of concurrent events across the country as a huge and diverse range of businesses and councils all over Australia open their doors without charge for a day, or create local events to emotionally uplift kids and carers who often miss out on fun activities or experiences due to cost or other obstacles that stand in the way. 

Gillard said his company wants to help communicate to kids all across Australia that people are thinking of them, that they are important and that the wider community cares for their emotional wellbeing. 

“The creation of positive memories, even from a single day in a lifetime has the potential to be transformative for a person. 

“We hope first for thousands of smiles, then thousands of great memories that can inspire a life, propel a person forward, ease some pain or assist recovery in sickness.” 

This FunSearch event was inspired by the experience of Mr Gillard as a young boy around the age of eight when he met a runaway child of a similar age named Lawrence. 

The boys spent a day of fun together trampolining, BMX’ing and skateboarding. 

Any councils interested in One Day Fun Day™ are urged to contact Chris Gillard though the website, or call direct on 0419584348.

*Copy supplied by FunSearch