Burying the 3Rs myth of local government

Keynote speakers at LGPro 2019 Annual Conference, Melbourne: Susan Alberti, Kon Karapanagiotidis and Gillian Triggs.

A large contingent of people working at all levels in local government in Victoria will come together for the 2019 LGPro Annual Conference in February to bury the myth that local government is all about rates, roads and rubbish.

Instead, they will focus on the new 3Rs of local government – Respect, Relate and Resilience, which is the theme of the one-and-a-half day conference expected to attract more than 600 people working in councils across Victoria.

Delegates will explore how councils are performing in developing resilient communities and nurturing respect for the diverse range of people in the community and who work in the sector.

They will also consider how they are relating to their communities, other levels of government and council staff.

The conference is being held 20-21 February at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre starting with six specialised half day workshops targeting priority areas for people working in local government and providing valuable tips and tools for people to take back to their workplace.

Three high profile, inspirational keynote speakers – Susan Alberti, Kon Karapanagiotidis and Gillian Triggs – will headline the full day program on Thursday 21 February.

Other highlights of the Thursday program include:

  • Short Talks by Dr Kerrie Shiell, clinical neuropsychologist; Nick Pearce, co-founder and CEO of HoMie; Frances Cannon, winner of 2018 Young Achiever Arts & Fashion Award; and Alon Cassuto, leadership and behaviour change advisor
  • Workshop by Peter Merrett, an internationally recognised speaker who has steered organisations around the world to business transformation and stand out customer service
  • Presentation by the 2018 LGPro Emerging Leaders Program participants who will explore the concept of attracting a younger workforce to the sector
  • Feature session – a fun quiz where the knowledge of some CEOs from across the sector will
  • be put to the test
  • The Annual Conference Dinner where the winners of the 2019 LGPro Awards for Excellence will be announced.

To learn more and register, visit 2019 LGPro Annual Conference or phone 9268 6400. #LGPRO19