Regional youth get support

Its standing room only as BREED opens in Temora.

Temora, in the New South Wales (NSW) Riverina, is the first town to welcome the regional expansion of BREED Australia, a not for profit community charity which supports youth education and employment as well as the incubation of small business.

Officially Launching the BREED Business Centre in Temora, NSW Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke said, “We are proud that my electorate was chosen to pilot this progressive and exciting initiative of BREED Australia.

“Centrally located in the Riverina, the BREED Business Centre in Temora will spread its tentacles throughout the region utilising the availability of offices, introduction of its virtual service and creation of workshops/ conferences/ seminars for the region’s benefit”.

Temora Shire Mayor, Rick Firman, said, “BREED Australia reached out to Councils throughout NSW and we aggressively seized the opportunity to investigate further.

“Temora Shire Council prides itself on being innovative and creating economic opportunities for our residents and businesses and the Business Centre model was ideal for our Heritage listed Meagher Building in the heart of our town.

“The Council and our Business Chamber fully support BREED Australia in its expansion and we are proud to partner in this great initiative for regional NSW.”

Chairman of BREED Australia, Nathan Burbridge, said, “Young people regardless of economic well-being are universally disadvantaged, the disadvantage we now call ‘the middle 80 percent’.

“It was also clear to us the benefits of economic growth are not necessarily spread evenly.

“The young people living in regions are doing it tough.”
BREED has made a difference to thousands of young lives in the Western Sydney region providing work placements and brokering partnerships with business in the area to improve transition into post-further education or employment.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Small Business John Barilaro said the BREED business Centre in Temora would be an excellent platform to help small businesses in the regions grow with skilled employees.

“Not everyone is feeling the benefits of a booming economy in NSW and one of those groups is young people.”