Salary sacrifice to encourage ebike uptake

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government staff will be able to lease ebikes as part of a new salary sacrificing package to encourage sustainable transport.

Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Shane Rattenbury, said, “Ebikes are not only a fun way to exercise, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion.

“They are the fastest growing segment of the bike industry and this salary sacrifice option for ACT Government employees should make them an even more attractive transport choice for commuting to work and meetings.

“Choosing to travel by electric bike or car is a really significant way Canberrans can contribute to our shared responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in response to climate change.

“By 2020 these will have low to no-carbon impact, when 100 percent of the ACT’s electricity will be renewable. Once we have reached this target, transport will be the ACT’s major source of emissions.”

Encouraging people to make this switch to more environmentally friendly travel options is a key commitment identified in the ACT’s Transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles Action Plan 2018-21, and confirms Canberra’s growing reputation as a leader in zero emissions vehicles.

“This is a fantastic way to encourage public servants to get their daily 30 minutes of exercise, without being concerned about arriving at the office in a sweat and needing a shower,” Mr Rattenbury said.

Staff will be able to lease an ebike from specialist ebike leasing provider E-stralian. The cost will then be paid through a salary sacrificing agreement for a calculated amount of time from their pre-tax salary. The lease agreement will also include insurance options and covers maintenance costs of the bike.