Tyre pile set to go

Numurka tyre pile

Moira Shire Council, Victoria, has received support from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), to begin the removal of an estimated 500,000 tyres from a privately owned property at Numurkah.

Moira Shire Chief Executive Office, Mark Henderson, said the EPA’s decision to use its powers to address the public and environmental risks associated with the site was welcome news.

“For the past six years we have pursued all legal avenues to force the site owner to remove the tyres.

“The EPA, Council and the Numurkah community are very aware of the public health, safety and environmental risks associated with the site.

“These concerns are underscored by the CFA’s recent fire risk assessment that rated the risk of fire as extreme and the consequences as catastrophic.

Australian company Tyrecycle has been appointed the job of removing the estimated 5000 tonnes of tyres for recycling.

“Our very rough estimates suggest the site could be clear by late summer – but we just don’t know what we may find in among the tyres,” said Mr Henderson.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio, said, “This stockpile presents an unacceptable risk to the community – that’s why we’re stepping in.”

Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp, said, “We’re providing the EPA with the powers, tools and funding it needs to prevent fires at waste facilities.”

Moira Shire Council is also working with the support of agencies including CFA, Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) and Victoria Police.