Workplace safety rewarded

WH&S officer Polly Wimmer, savours the rewards.

Staff throughout Scenic Rim Regional Council who have contributed to an enviable safety record have savoured the rewards of its cost savings, with free cooking classes and stress-busting neck and shoulder massages.

Organised by the Workplace Health and Safety team, the staff rewards were funded by this southeast Queensland council’s savings on its workplace insurance premiums – and there was plenty of positive feedback from staff.

As well as enjoying free neck and shoulder massages provided in-house by a local physiotherapist, staff also took time out to learn how to prepare nutritious meals that are quick to prepare and easy on the household budget.  

All of the recipes have been made available on the intranet for those who could not attend the sessions run by Accredited Practising Dietitian, Emma Strutt, of Greenstuff Nutrition.

Scenic Rim Chief Executive Officer, Jon Gibbons, said the health and well-being initiatives for staff were supported by Council and funded through savings on its workplace insurance premiums.

“Council’s premiums have been declining as a result of the safe practices and reduced lost-time injury statistics across our workforce both outside and inside, so it was only fair that the staff who contributed to the savings got to enjoy the benefits.

“Polly Wimmer and the Workplace Health and Safety team have plenty more activities in the planning stages and we are certain that each will add to our personal health, wellbeing and safety.”