Career advice at the library

Career support practitioner Di Davies provides Swan Hill resident Shannon Arch with career support.

Swan Hill Regional Library, Victoria, has established a careers support service for residents looking for work, exploring education or training options, or unsure about which career pathway to take.

Connect U’s qualified career support practitioner Di Davies offers free, one-on-one career support advice to guide locals through their options.

Ms Davies said in a complex world of work, being able to identify the necessary education or training, and skills required to consider a range of employment possibilities is no easy task.

“For a lot of young people once they leave school they often find it difficult to get the support needed to help them plan a career pathway that aligns with their interests.

“And with changes to many traditional industries, it’s really important for jobseekers to be aware of these changes, and to know what skills are needed for these opportunities in the future.”

Swan Hill local Shannon Arch received career support over the past 12-months and is now enrolled in an online advanced Diploma of Legal Practice.

Arch said, “I’ve always been interested in the legal field but had no idea where to start or what further study or employment options there was for me.

“Having a career service here in Swan Hill with a qualified person was incredibly helpful and got me on the path to my dream career quicker and easier than I could have on my own.”

The career support service details employment opportunities that currently exist in the Swan Hill region in agriculture, horticulture, healthcare, social assistance and logistics/transport as well as giving advice about how to connect with local employers.

The career support service is an initiative of the not for profit Murray Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network and the Connect U project with support from Swan Hill Rural City Council.