Greater protection for Namadgi’s wetlands

Cotter Source Bog’s fragile ecosystem is now endangered.

Unique wetlands in Namadgi National Park are now listed as ‘endangered’ to help protect to native habitats and wildlife and the quality of drinking water in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

‘High Country Bogs and Associated Fens’ has been added to the ACT Threatened Ecological Communities List based on advice from the ACT Scientific Committee.

Namadgi’s bogs and fens are home to the critically endangered Northern Corroboree Frogs. Bogs are also habitat for native Broad-toothed Rats, Alpine Tree Frogs, Reik’s Crayfish and Alpine Spiny Crayfish.

The wetlands play a significant and important role in filtering water that flows into the Lower Cotter Catchment area, which is the ACT’s main source of drinking water.

These ecosystems are fragile and susceptible to increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns caused by climate change.

An action plan will be developed with the New South Wales (NSW) Government on cross-border management of Australia’s high country.

This will include discussing the risks posed by feral horses entering Namadgi National Park from Kosciuszko National Park due to the NSW government’s controversial decision to protect feral horses.

High country bogs and fens are unique ecosystems that occur along high country streams, drainage lines, valley edges and valley floors more than 720 metres above sea level in the ACT. They are permanently waterlogged and typically have no trees due to strong, cold winds that sweep the area.