Baw Baw Shire kids have shown getting to school is a walk in the park with more than 1,190 local students from 12 schools participating in VicHealth’s Walk to School program.
The students were among the thousands of Victorian students who collectively walked, rode and scooted more than 1.7 million kilometres to and from school – the equivalent of over 41,000 marathons – in last Term’s program (October 2018).
VicHealth has released the results of its annual program, with four schools taking out the top prize for the highest participation across the state.
In Baw Baw Shire, Darnum Primary School took out the top prize for highest participation in the Southern Region with an impressive 97 percent of students walking, riding and scooting to school every day.
To reward their efforts, Darnum Primary School will receive the major prize – the ultimate footy fun experience where an AFL player will lead a footy clinic and present a memorabilia item to the school.
VicHealth’s annual Walk to School program takes place during the first month of Term Four. Kids are encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to and from school each day, with a number of great prizes up for grabs for schools and individuals.
Mayor Mikaela Power, said, “Each year VicHealth’s Walk to School program teaches kids that getting active is fun and helps them learn healthy habits for life.
“We’re so pleased to have once again been part of a program that encourages local families to form healthy habits and we hope they will continue as school starts again this year.”