Committed to customer service

Baw Baw Shire Council, Victoria, has endorsed a new Customer Service Charter demonstrating its commitment to service.

The Customer Service Charter provides clear service standards to customers.

A high standard has been set including: answering all phone calls within 30 seconds, responding to online or social media enquiries within three business days, providing interpreters and translation services and implimenting a robust process for managing complaints.

Baw Baw’s last Customer Service Charter was developed in 2007.
Significant developments in technology and changes to the way customers engage with Council made a renewed Customer Service Charter a high priority for Council.

Mayor, Mikaela Power, said, “Providing excellent customer service is a key priority of this council. The new charter recognises changes in technology and customer expectations and ensures we are accountable to our customers, the ratepayers of Baw Baw Shire.  

“In the past year, Council has more than halved its average response time to written correspondence. We have made great gains in customer service but we acknowledge there is still work to be done.”  
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Danny Goss, said, “Our ratepayers expect, without exception, very good customer service.

“Our job is to serve ratepayers and that’s why it is very pleasing to have this strategy document adopted.

“It is important that our customers are treated with respect and dignity.”

Councillor, Jessica O’Donnell, said, “Customer service has been a priority of this Council group since day one and this charter is extremely important.

“We are public servants and this is what we are here to do – provide the best possible customer service to our ratepayers.”