Growing community care

Community care is a expanding to meet the needs of NDIS clients.

Gannawarra Shire Council, Victoria, has expanded its Community Care workforce by 50 percent to meet the demand of National Disability Insurance Scheme clients.

Council employed 15 new staff members in readiness for the 1 January 2019 rollout of the NDIS in the shire, bringing the total number of Community Care employees to 46.

Mayor, Lorraine Learmonth, said, “Gannawarra Shire Council is the only shire located north of Melbourne that is a registered provider for NDIS and the smallest of only five councils within Victoria.”

Council provided 490.5 hours of support to eligible NDIS clients in January 2019, with this figure to increase as more residents become eligible for the scheme.

“Council staff provide assistance with self-care activities, house cleaning, yard maintenance and enabling clients to access community, social and recreational activities.”

To meet future demand, 13 Council staff members are completing their Certificate IV in Disability/Aged Care qualification.

“Research shows that within the Mallee region, the disability support workforce needs to double to meet demand.

“Council is dedicated to providing NDIS participants in our regional area with a quality service from an established and trusted provider to achieve their goals.

“We also offer an advocacy service for those that need support when trying to access the NDIS.”