, a new Australian tech start-up, launched late last year, is an entirely new, simple management system for council promotion of its broad visitor economy offerings including events, attractions, school holiday programs and leisure and recreational spaces.
The FunSearch system is similar to Instagram in that it is a photo and video platform, but it has key differences identified and developed based on the needs of both the Australian domestic tourism and travel markets, and the visitor economy.
As a ‘location aware’ search engine, the system automatically shows users photos and videos of ‘fun’ in their location (related to local business and council profiles) while also allowing ‘fun searches’ to be conducted for any other Australian location.
FunSearch Chief Executive Officer, Chris Gillard, said that while it is early days for, the company vision is based on assisting the sustainable growth of visitor economy reliant regions across Australia.
“We want councils to know that we designed to enhance the ease of event management and promotion of council events, council green spaces such as parks, playgrounds or sports ovals and any natural attractions whose promotion is handled by the Visitor Information Centre or council.
“Our vision can be realised, while the focus areas of many council plans, can be assisted and supported through council’s use of
“There are significantly more benefits built into FunSearch for visitor economy promotion than any other system.”
Business side users of FunSearch simply create a profile (business profile) add a general profile description of the council, then upload photos and videos to the search engine, in the same way you might create a social post.
Users can add titles and descriptions to each photo or video, set the location, nominate categories, set a publish start and end date for events (event timeframe) and much more.
The system also allows booking integration for ease of sales.
Each FunSearch profile is designed to make it simple and fast for people to find fun they’re after and then make direct contact with the profile owner via direct message, phone, email or website contact.
All business profiles are free on FunSearch, and many councils already have them, due to their inclusion in the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW). For those councils not yet in contact with FunSearch, your business profiles can easily be claimed by council representatives.
Interested Council representatives please contact hello[@] or maria[@], or via direct message on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter @FunSearchAu.
*Copy supplied by FunSearch