Big changes are happening at the GRAMS (Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service) Reserve, Western Australia, this month.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Shane Van Styn, said, “In 2015, the City formed the Community Playground Reference group to develop guidelines for what makes a good playground and to then choose playground equipment to replace what had been removed from a number of parks at the time.
“The group did such a fantastic job we still use their ideas and guidelines to this day.
Council also consulted the district’s very active neighbourhood group, the Rangeway, Utakarra, Karloo Progress Association (RUKPA).
“The feedback they gave us was very positive and we were able to order the equipment they chose in the colours requested, which were yellow, red and black in recognition of the Park’s location on the GRAMS Reserve.”
RUKPA President and former Community Playground Reference Group member Corrynne Bull said she very was pleased to be part of the decision making process.
“Keeping in mind those guidelines we developed and taking into consideration the needs of our community, RUKPA members chose the equipment we believed would be the most interesting and fun for our kids.”
GRAMS Reserve is a District Park in the City’s Parks Hierarchy Guide, due to its central location within the suburb, easy access through distributor roads, the fact it is serviced by public transport and is close to schools or other community facilities.
The $250,000 project, partly funded from historic developer contributions, is part of the $1.79 million allocated this financial year in the Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces renewals budget.