A Biggest Morning Tea held at Jindera, New South Wales, by educators and staff from Greater Hume Children Services raised $231.55 to support children, families, educators and the community affected by cancer.
Team Leader, Greater Hume Children Services, Fiona Pattinson, said, “Our Family Day Care Educators create strong bonds with the families and children in their care, supporting the Biggest Morning Tea is a great way to
show their support.
Eighteen educators, 55 children, staff and community shared the activities provided, including farm animals, games, story time featuring Alpacas with Maracas and a morning tea made special with a generous $50 donation from Woolworths Wodonga.
“Every year our wonderful educators make the event a success both from a social and support perspective, raising much needed funds.”
The annual event has been held for more than 5 years to raise funds to support children and families who are affected by cancer.