Contact Organics’ LocalSafe Glyphosate Free Weed Terminator*

Municipalities around Australia have been spurred on by some recent world events to start looking at alternative solutions to weed control; Contact Organics is offering a viable solution.

LocalSafe Weed Terminator is the latest breakthrough technology in weed control which has been created through scientific research, innovation and cutting-edge technology. 

LocalSafe has been developed and manufactured in Australia by Contact Organics; its patented formula makes glyphosate-based weed killers redundant. 

Made from natural ingredients it is fast acting and tough on all types of weeds and grasses.

LocalSafe is the ideal solution for councils and other organisations involved in weed management in public areas.


LocalSafe Weed Terminator Benefits 

  • high performance
  • rapid visible results
  • environmentally sustainable
  • cost competitive
  • two hour rain safe window
  • glyphosate free
  • non-toxic 
  • weeds are unable to build up a resistance.

If you are looking to alleviate public concern and maintain a safe environment for residents and visitors alike, you can join other councils and use LocalSafe in your municipality by getting in touch with Contact Organics at or by calling on 1300 856 540.

*Copy supplied by Contact Organics