West Arnhem Regional Council, Northern Territory, recently joined experts at a Darwin forum to discuss local, national and international approaches to domestic and family violence risk assessment and management.
The forum provided participants with an understanding of how different jurisdictions and organisations across Australia have approached domestic and family violence prevention, intervention and risk service provision.
Council’s Manager Community Services, Adrian McCann, and Gunbalanya Safe House Coordinator, Bernadette Wombo, participated in the forum and provided a practical, local approach to using the National Risk Assessment Principles (NRAP) to inform risk assessment practices.
Work was also done on translating the NRAP to enhance local responses to domestic violence in West Arnhem Land.
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) Chief Executive Officer, Dr Nancarrow, said, “Responses to domestic violence risk are undergoing significant review and reform, in Australia and internationally.
“It is vital that the Principles are applied in ways that take account of local context, and we’re thrilled that the Gunbalanya Safe House is leading by example on this”.
The National Risk Assessment Principles (NRAP) were produced by ANROWS in 2018, with funding from the Commonwealth Department of Social Services.
They provide an overarching framework for domestic and family violence risk assessment and management in Australia.