Innovative field of dreams

The amenities building and an aerial view of the amenities building and two of the main playing fields at the Highfields Sport and Recreation Park.

Imagine a sporting oval where club officials can control LED field lighting via sms as well as enjoying the benefits of brand new amenities surrounded by natural parkland.

This innovation is one of the features of Toowoomba Regional Council’s newest ‘fields of dreams’, the second stage, multi-discipline sporting facility at the Highfields Sport and Recreation Park, north of Toowoomba, Queensland.

Mayor, Paul Antonio, said, “In addition to the Stage One complex that was opened in 2016, Council has spent $25 million in total with an overall contribution of $3 million from the state government.

“Highfields Parkrun moved to the new complex for the opening festivities in early March and the site will be the new home for Highfields junior and senior sports teams across numerous summer and winter sports.”

The entire complex has: 

  • eight full-size, rectangular football fields with overflow training space
  • three cricket fields – two turf wickets and a drop-in, composite fibre, synthetic wicket which can be removed to cater for winter sports. One oval is larger than the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
  • a terraced amenities building featuring eight change rooms and storage areas.

LED lighting at the cricket oval will allow night matches and also offer significant energy and cost savings.

“Other improvements include a new public toilet block, a playground area with picnic tables and pathways for all ability access through a natural bushland. Council also planted 2000 trees.

“There are plans that the site and the Toowoomba Region could host training and events if the Council of Mayors South East Queensland proceeds with a plan to bid for the 2032 Olympic Games.

“Population forecasts show Highfields could be home to an additional 7000 people by 2031 and Council is planning for, and investing in, the essential infrastructure that will deliver services and facilities for the area’s residents.”