Trade delegation from Japan and Taiwan

Mayor Richard Marsh, Cr Samantha O’Toole, Cr Ian Todd discuss future trade opportunities with a visiting delegation from Japan and Taiwan.

Future trade and investment opportunities with Japan and Taiwan companies were the focus of meetings in St George last month.

Balonne Shire Council, Queensland, in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Trade Investment Queensland (Toowoomba and Taipei offices) and Austrade Tokyo office, hosted the seven delegates from a variety of food based companies who are looking for opportunities in meat, pulses, vegetables, grains and agricultural technology.

Mayor, Richard Marsh, welcomed the delegates to the Shire at an informal dinner and provided a brief overview of the shire.

Economic Development Officer, Garnet Radford, provided the group with the Shire’s economic details and outlined investment opportunities available in the Balonne region.

The delegates toured Moon Rocks, the meat works facility in St George, a cotton farm and Riversands Winery.

The Mayor said the visit was a great opportunity to provide potential investors with information on the region’s products.

“I would like to thank the Australian Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development for providing the assistance needed to make this inbound delegation a reality and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Trade Investment Queensland and Austrade for their involvement in planning this tour.

“We have several businesses and community groups that have direct and indirect international connection into Asia including Japan and Taiwan,

“With future improved digital connectivity and trade and investment opportunities, we would like to build strong relationships with our new friends from Japan and Taiwan.

“I hope all who attended the meeting made some strong connections for potential friendships and future trade opportunities.”