Pacific Bio is an Australian biotech company that is setting a new standard in sustainable aquaculture and wastewater management.
Our proprietary technology, RegenAqua™, uses macroalgae to remove harmful pollutants from wastewater before they enter the ecosystem.
Developed in conjunction with leading scientists at James Cook University, RegenAqua™ is a bioremediation solution that uses native green macroalgae to naturally remove nitrogen and phosphorus from water, making it fit to return to our waterways and oceans.
With increasing environmental and regulatory pressures, achieving global best practice tertiary treatment continues to be a critical concern for municipal wastewater treatment plants around Australia.
The RegenAqua™ technology is eco-friendly, effective and affordable.
The system meets the highest level of standards and community expectations, resulting in beneficial outcomes to councils seeking sustainable solutions over and above traditional systems.
Comparatively simple to deploy, the modular and carbon-positive system supports clients in achieving their goals, while reducing an impact on the planet. The RegenAqua™ system features compelling financial advantages compared to conventional treatment systems, in both capital and operational expenditure.
RegenAqua™ is delivered through flexible service agreements, with continual maintenance and performance monitoring of the system.
It can operate as a stand-alone tertiary treatment solution or parallel to existing technology to meet individual client requirements.
Pacific Bio is currently offering the opportunity for facilities to receive an assessment for the application of RegenAqua™ technology for municipal clients around Australia.
Contact can be made by calling us on (03) 9415 8711.
*Copy supplied by Pacific Bio