Dual names recognise Aboriginal heritage

Environmental Education Officer Kellie Fowler; Community Development Officer – Aboriginal Engagement Leanne Woods, Community Development Officer – Aboriginal Engagement Lyeesha Jetta, and Environmental Officer Jacklyn Kelly, all who are involved in the dual name signage project.

The City of Melville, Western Australia, is mid-way through installing nine new dual name signs at five places of Aboriginal heritage significance.

One sign has been installed at Wireless Hill (Yagan Mia), two at Point Heathcote (Goolugatup) and two in Bull Creek (Gabbiljee) over the last couple of months.

Four more are due to be installed in time for NAIDOC Week 2019, including another one at Wireless Hill, one at Blackwall Reach (Jenalup) and two at Point Walter (Dyoondalup)
Mayor, Russell Aubrey, said the signs are one action of many from the City’s Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2017-2021 which helps recognise Aboriginal history and heritage at significant locations across the City.

“By installing these dual name signs, we acknowledge the significant Aboriginal heritage and history in these locations, which helps increase knowledge and understanding within our community of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements in our City.

“This is not the only example of dual naming within our City. We also use Aboriginal names for relevant sites, parks and roads within our City, as well as producing a Whadjuk Boodja (Aboriginal Land) brochure which lists all the sites that are significant to Aboriginal people within our City.

“This is just one action in our Stretch RAP 2017-2021, which helps achieve our vision for reconciliation within the City, which is a positive, shared future, grounded in respect and strong relationships.

“Another way we are trying to achieve this vision is by celebrating significant Aboriginal events, which includes National Reconciliation Week in May and NAIDOC Week in July.”