Keeping track of assets

Central Highlands Regional Council, Queensland, is investing $2.1 million in an ongoing physical asset condition program.

Projects currently underway as part of the program include assessing 63,372 metres of sewer pipes, 1469 sewer pits, 87,492 metres of stormwater drains, 38 bridges, 80 culverts and 1489 kilometres of sealed roads.

Council committed $2 million to the program in March and almost $1 million allocated under the 2019-21 Local Government Grants and Subsidies program.

General Manager Corporate Services, Margaret Gatt, said, “Asset management might not seem that exciting, but when an asset fails it affects a lot of people.”

The program is guided by Council’s Asset Management Roadmap.

“This program has been a huge undertaking for our staff who are putting in a lot of hard work and a lot of kilometres to get this done.

“With a region almost the size of Tasmania, there is a lot of ground to cover. It’s a big job and I commend our employees for their commitment and enthusiasm in driving these projects and bringing asset management back into focus.”