Ground breaking ceremony for a dream come true

On the home run – the first sod was turned on the Toodyay Sport and Recreation project 53 years after the swimming pool committee was formed.

It has been a long time coming but the people of Toodyay, Western Australia, can finally see their dream materialise with the turning of the first sod for the Sport and Recreation Precinct. 

Shire of Toodyay Chief Executive Officer, Stan Scott, in acknowledgment of the tenacity of Events Coordinator, Debra Andrijich, in submitting grant applications, said, “When we were knocked back, we re-applied, and when we were knocked back again, we re-applied again until we were successful with the Federal Government grant of $4.7 million.”

It was 53 years ago that an article appeared in the Beverley Times, reporting the formation of a swimming pool committee in Toodyay. Yes, it has been a long time coming.

The Hon. Darren West MLA representing the Premier and Minister for Sport and Recreation, was present for the sod turning and acknowledged the hard work of those associated with the project so far.  

He said the facility would be a big attraction to the town of Toodyay and he was looking forward to coming and having a ‘hit’ on the tennis courts.

The Hon. Christian Porter MLA, noted that communities with swimming pools were healthier communities and he was particularly happy to be at this ground breaking ceremony and looking forward to the official opening at the end of 2020.  

“It will be the best recreation precinct in Australia and most certainly the one with the best views.”

Also in attendance were representatives from Cameron Chisolm Nicol Architects and ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd, past and present Shire Presidents David Dow and Cr Brian Rayner, the community Bendigo Bank and the Swimming Pool Action Committee along with a number of community members and long time supporters of the project.

The Project is a partnership between the Australian Government through its Building Better Regions Fund, Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund, Lotterywest, Bendigo Bank, the Swimming Pool Action Committee and the Shire of Toodyay.